Kooringal High School

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Telephone02 6922 5155


Selective Class Application

There are two entry points for students wishing to gain access to the Selective Stream at Kooringal High School.

Year 7 Entry

Application for entry into the Year 7 selective class occurs when students are in Year 5.

Parents should apply online here.  

Students entering the Year 7 class must sit and pass the State Selective High School Placement Test which is held each year at Kooringal High School.

Successful students are made an offer by the High Performing Students Unit and take up that placement in Year 7.

Where there are more than 30 successful candidates a waiting list is created and is activated when places become available.

Zoning does not apply for students gaining entry into this class as it is a regional resource. Students from any location may apply to sit the test.

Entry Years 8 to 12

Vacancies in Years 8 - 12 classes are able to be filled via the process overseen by the High Performing Students Unit.

All applicants for entry in Years 8 - 12 must apply using the Years 8 - 12 Selective High School Application Form which is available  here.   In addition they must include the following supporting documentation:

  1. School reports for the past two years
  2. Certificates of outstanding performance in relevant activities over the past two years
  3. A summary of involvement in other activities, over the past two years, which may support the application
  4. Proof of citizenship or permanent residence status where applicable
  5. NAPLAN results from the previous two NAPLAN tests
  6. A profile of the student and their capabilities signed by the current school principal.

A copy of the application form and supporting documentation must be returned to Kooringal High School by the due date that is nominated on the Selective School 8-12 application form.

Selection Committee

The suitability of applicants for a class will be determined by a committee chaired by the Principal and including a parent and the school counsellor.

The student's written application, including the documentation required, will determine the applicants placement in a class where vacancies exist OR placement on a waiting list.

Vacancies Year 8-12

As vacancies become available, the Principal or representative may consider inviting applicants from the waiting list.

Any student who can satisfy the Selection Committee that circumstance made it impossible to submit the application form, with supporting documentation, may apply for special consideration and may have those circumstances considered by the principal. The principal may then refer the student and the circumstances to the Selection Committee for consideration. This will only occur in the most exceptional of circumstances and the decision of the committee will be final.


Guidelines for a review of Years 8 – 12 placement decisions 

If you wish to seek a review of the selection committee's decision please read the following guidelines.

Under the following conditions, parents can request that the principal of the selective high school reviews the selection committee's decision not to place the student at their school:
  • Even if the parents made applications to two or three selective high schools the review must be directed to the principal of only one of the three selective high schools the parents chose.
  • The request for review must be in writing; emailed, faxed or posted to the school.
  • The request for review must be received by the selective high school within seven (7) days of the date on which the outcome of the parent's application to that school was sent.
A request for a review will generally be considered valid if made on one of the following grounds:
  • The selection committee did not follow its own published criteria.
  • Something unforeseen and beyond the parent's or the student's control occurred to compromise the student's performance in the test (if relevant) provided that the event is not listed below.
A request for a review will generally not be considered valid if made on the following grounds:
  • Disruption to schooling for reasons other than a medical condition affecting the student.  The request for a review will not be granted on the basis that the family travelled overseas during the assessment period or that they moved to another residence.
  • Anxiety or depression or any other long-term illness or condition which affected the child's performance either in school or on the day of the test (if relevant). (1)

  • Incomplete documentation.  It is the parent's responsibility to provide all relevant documentary evidence at the time of application.

  • The parent's belief that another student who was successful for entry to that selective high school is considered to be performing at a lower level in classwork. (2)

Parents will be notified either that their request for a review is invalid or about the outcome of their request wthin 14 days of submitting the request.
If you find you have valid grounds for review please email, fax or post your request to: The Principal, Kooringal High School, Ziegler Ave, Kooringal  2650

(1) While it is acknowledged that anxiety, depression and other long-term illnesses or conditions can affect a student's ability to show academic merit, there is little a selection committee can do to predict how well a student would have performed without such a condition.
(2) The process for selective high school entry in Years 8 to 12 ranks students in the candidature on a variety of measures including the basis of their documentary evidence of academic merit, and/or testing and/or interviews. It is possible for a student to rank differently in this process from the way they rank in class


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